Don’t Give Up on God


Are you broken or wounded? Has someone hurt you so deeply that you don’t know how to move forward? Maybe you even feel like giving up on God because you feel like He’s already given up on you.

Oh, precious soul, if I could take you in my arms and hug you today, I would. I would whisper that it’s going to be okay, that you’re going to get through this. I may not understand what you’re going through, what tragedies or suffering you dealt with in the past, but God does.

But maybe God is part of your pain. Maybe you believe that God is somehow a reflection of the cruelty of others, especially if you’ve been hurt by someone in the Church.

Unfortunately, there are times when His children, being human, fail to reflect His love and compassion. There are even those who claim to be Christians while lashing out at others. (When “Christians” Throw Stones.)

Please don’t take this out on God and walk away from Him.

I believe God is calling to you during this time of isolation and wants to heal your broken heart.

“He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” (Psalm 147:3 ESV.)

I believe in the depths of my spirit that this is the time He’s reaching out to you, through this post, through quiet times at home or in your backyard, through a word from someone you know.

He wants to take you in His arms and hold you. He jealously longs for you. He knows how people have failed you, how their words have cut into your heart, hardening it like scar tissue.

Please don’t turn away from Him.

I don’t know the “why” to your questions. I don’t know why you suffered or struggled, why you felt abandoned or hopeless. I don’t know why others hurt you the way they did.

But I can tell you I’ve been hurt too. And in the darkest moments of my life, when others struck me with the cruelest of words, turning their backs on me and abandoning me in my pain, God never left me.

He may have been quiet, but He was still there.

“For God has said, ‘I will never fail you. I will never abandon you.'” (Hebrews 13:5b NLT.)

I believe He was silent during those times because I was either shouting within my spirit and couldn’t hear Him over my pain, or He was quietly joining me in my suffering. (You know, those times when someone you love is suffering and the pain is so unbearable you can’t speak a word but instead you sit beside them hoping to bring them comfort. I believe God does that too.)

When you hurt, God hurts with you.

And I believe no matter how dark the storm, no matter how the waters rage, God will reach right through it all to grab onto you, to save you, to steady you until the storm passes.

Perhaps He will lift you from the storm, lifting you high above those things that are hurting you.

But maybe He won’t, instead choosing to pull you closer to Him as He endures the storm alongside of you, shielding you and singing to you so you’ll focus on Him instead of the howling winds.

You may consider giving up on God. Please don’t. Don’t give up on Him. He promises He will never give up on you. Never.

Come back to Him. Cry out to Him. Call upon Him. Whisper His name.


And He’s right there with you. Strong, solid, and forever. Loving you completely and helping you to move forward.

“God himself is right alongside to keep you steady and on track until things are all wrapped up by Jesus. God, who got you started in this spiritual adventure, shares with us the life of his Son and our Master, Jesus. He will never give up on you. Never forget that. (1 Corinthians 1:8-9 MSG, emphasis my own.)

“One day Jesus told his disciples a story to show that they should always pray and never give up.(Luke 18:1 NLT, emphasis my own.)

“Do you think anyone is going to be able to drive a wedge between us and Christ’s love for us? There is no way! Not trouble, not hard times, not hatred, not hunger, not homelessness, not bullying threats, not backstabbing, not even the worst sins listed in Scripture. None of this fazes us because Jesus loves us. I’m absolutely convinced that nothing – nothing living or dead, angelic or demonic, today or tomorrow, high or low, thinkable or unthinkable – absolutely nothing can get between us and God’s love because of the way that Jesus our Master has embraced us. (Romans 8: 35, 37-39 MSG.)


(Photo from



I’ve been going through a season of change for the past few months. Ever been there?

It all started with my dear friend that had been greeting me every morning for years with a sputter and my favorite hot beverage. Yes, our coffeepot began to change when it stopped sputtering and started spewing water and soaking the countertop. After a few weeks, the time had come to let it go and get a new one (and learn how to operate the thing!).

My laptop and cell phone were next when they started to move like slugs wearing bifocals. Not good. Not good at all. I had to say goodbye to those slow-moving friends and welcome two Jack Russell Terrier fellows into my life. They’re so fast they leave me missing my bifocal-wearing friends because, well, I’m one of them.

My eyesight took a turn down bifocal alley, and I’ve been wandering around aimlessly as I try different pairs of bifocal contacts and reading glasses. What’s really neat is I broke my reading glasses, so I used our daughter’s pink zebra duct tape to fix them. I have to wear this pair over my regular glasses if I’m not wearing my contacts.  How neat indeed and so attractive!

There are more changes taking place, but I’ll stop there.

I’m learning through these little changes and the bigger ones that are coming that God is leading me from the familiar shore of Comfort and Predictability. He’s asking me to trust Him and take His hand as He helps me to let go of those pretty seashells I’ve been collecting, those “things” I’ve been putting my trust in and relying on.

And He’s holding both of my hands as He guides me, gently backing into the water so I can see Him and the ocean behind Him. Just like the shepherd leading the way for his sheep, Jesus is leading the way for me into deeper waters, a grand adventure, and a time of more intense trusting in Him.

Sure, those seashells were pretty. But they could never compare to this moment with my loving Savior, His hands in mine, and the thrill swelling in my heart as we move into the water.  Together.

Things are going to change. Big and small. And I may even have to wear two pairs of glasses as I learn how to operate my new cell phone and laptop.

But I have the One in my life Who never changes and is totally trustworthy to lead me in unfamiliar waters, especially when I can’t see the way.

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” (Hebrews 13:8 NIV.)

“But blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him.” (Jeremiah 17:7 NIV.)


(Photo from

Alone in a Crowd

alone in crowd

Alone. I’ve felt that way a lot. Who hasn’t? But what about when you’re surrounded by people?

You’re sitting by a campfire roasting a hot dog while your friends and family are chit-chatting about the last time you all got together; cousin Polly used sour cream to make deviled eggs when she ran out of mayonnaise, hoping no one would notice.

There’s laughter but it’s too light for you to hold onto, too difficult to join in. Besides, you’re concentrating on getting your hot dog just right. Not really. You’re focused on those golden flames as they lick the night air, wishing you could scream or cry. Maybe both. Instead, you just sit there as a part of the group knowing you’re totally apart from it.

Your mind is full. Your heart is heavy. You can’t explain it. Not to any of them. They don’t even see it. You smile at the right times. Nod your head when you need to agree. And you go on pretending that everything is okay even when it’s not.

You feel totally alone. Like no one would “get it” if you opened up and spilled the beans right next to the hot dogs. So you externally include yourself while internally you’re so far away they don’t even know it.

Alone. Totally alone in your thoughts and struggles. No one knows the real you and you don’t know how to let anyone in.

But God sees you.

God sees you right where you are with that hot dog that’s starting to burn. But you’re ignoring it because the tears are starting to come and you don’t want to turn away because someone might see. God knows everything that’s disappointed you and everyone that’s hurt you. He knows every failed dream and the one closest to your heart that you’re too afraid to pursue. He knows the scar tissue that’s hardened your heart and why you’re struggling to get rid of those walls you’ve put in place to keep people away.

He’s sitting beside you right now. His Holy Spirit is within you; He’s the One holding you and comforting you from the inside, helping you to keep it all together when you feel it’s all going to fall apart.

He’s got you. You don’t have to do it alone.

Have you ever noticed a couple in a crowd, one that’s connected so deeply you can tell they’re together by the secret conversations they have with a single glance? Their interlocked fingers held in a gentle embrace. The tender smiles reserved exclusively for one another. They almost seem to fade into the background of the room, untouched by the surrounding conversations. It’s as if they’re lost in the crowd when actually they’re losing themselves in each other.

Together. Solid. In sync.

That’s you and God. Your Creator. The One who knows you better than anyone else. And He’s not going anywhere. Not ever. So that would mean you’re never alone.

Not even in a crowd.

“God is striding ahead of you. He’s right there with you. He won’t let you down; he won’t leave you. Don’t be intimidated. Don’t worry.” (Deuteronomy 31:8 MSG.)

When the Holy Spirit Goes to Bat for You


I remember my brother teaching me how to catch a football with my head, a sinker (he was teaching me about casting a line) with my belly, and a softball with my legs. What fun!  Those things were pretty tough to learn because I was trying to learn in the middle of doing when I didn’t have a clue from someone who already knew, someone who wasn’t too worried about my bumps and bruises because those things made me “tough.” (His thinking, not mine!)

But there was something else he taught me to do that was a lot less painful: batting. I remember standing at our imaginary home plate while he stood behind me, helping me to choke up on the bat and showing me where my feet needed to go.  He held the bat with me and showed me how to swing level, not choppy, and at a slight upward angle to get the ball to soar.

This “coming up from behind and showing” is what the Holy Spirit does in our lives. Only it’s even better because He’s coming up from within and guiding us, not just our hands choked up on a bat, but every step we take in our lives and every decision we make.  That is if we let Him.

Of course, we have a choice in the matter. We can treat Him as if he’s the neighbor’s dog we haven’t seen yet but have heard of, hoping he doesn’t wander over and come up on our porch.  Perhaps we don’t want to be bothered with getting out of our chair to greet him if he shows up because we were comfortable.  We don’t need anyone making us uncomfortable, that’s for sure.

Or we can see Him for Who He really is:  the third Person of the Holy Trinity, our Counselor, Intercessor, and Comforter. He is God here and now.  Any thought of ignoring Him or not wanting Him in our lives is like an unfinished painting telling the painter, “You may stop now.  I don’t need you.”

But we do need the Holy Spirit. We need His guidance and direction every day.  And oh how the Holy Spirit wants to help you and me with all of that.

He wants to come up from within to remind you how lovely and precious you are in His sight. He wants you to have moments of peace, unwinding after a long day and looking back and spotting just where He reached in and said, “I’m here.  You don’t have to do this alone.”  He wants to comfort you when you’re hurt, when you feel like everything has fallen apart around you and you don’t know how to go on.  He wants to put His hand on your shoulder and give you a talking to when you’re going down the wrong path; not shaking his finger at you like you’re an irresponsible child but protecting you because you matter greatly to Him and the Kingdom.

That’s right. You matter to God and His Kingdom.  And God is not going to toss a ball into your life and hope you figure out how to hit it.  He’s given you the gift of His Holy Spirit to live within you, guiding and using you to swing that bat like you never thought possible.

“Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit lives in you?”  (1 Corinthians 3:16 NIV.)

“I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being.” (Ephesians 3:16 NIV.)

Below the Surface

below the surface

There’s a great big world out there with a lot of people quietly suffering. On the surface we see the happy smiles and we hear the “I’m fine,” response when we ask how they’re doing.  But below the surface there is great pain.

Maybe this is you.  Maybe you get up in the morning and go about your day, while beyond those shallow areas of your life, those areas you let others get a glimpse of, you’re agonizing.  Maybe you feel like you’re drowning and no one cares.  Maybe you’re overwhelmed with illness or debt or violence or drugs.  Maybe you feel trapped in a relationship that brings you pain or maybe you feel locked into a situation you can’t break free from.

Let me tell you my friend, God sees you.  He not only sees the surface stuff you show the world, but He sees your heart.  He knows what’s keeping you up at night.  He knows what makes you cry when you’re in the shower.  He knows what steals your breath and your joy and what’s suffocating you right there in the middle of your life.  And He cares about you so deeply, reaching far below the surface.

God is the One who never leaves you or forgets about you.  He promises.  And He never lies and He never breaks a promise. Thank you, Lord.

You may hear all sorts of things as you go throughout your day.  You may hear that you’re a failure and you’ll never amount to much; this may be all in your own thoughts or literally from others.  Perhaps you’ll hear that it’s too late for you; you had your chance and you blew it and you’re beyond hope.  You may hear you’re all alone and you’re going to stay that way because you’re pathetic and really unlovable.  Or maybe you’ll hear that people in your life would be better off if you weren’t around.

Those are lies.  Every one of them.  Don’t try to make them “half” truths either.  Like, “Well I have failed so many times so maybe I won’t amount to much.”  Did you ever think that those “failures” are part of a greater design for you becoming YOU.  If you hadn’t “failed,” you’d keep going in that direction and perhaps that is not what God wants for you.  So He allows you to stumble a bit so when you regain your footing, you have time to see another path, another door opening that you never would have seen if you ran off in the wrong direction.  Is that failure?  Not hardly.

I don’t know exactly why God led me to write this or who this is for.  But God knows.  And He knows you my friend.  Trust that He sees your suffering all the way down to the very core.  With God in your life, you never suffer alone and suffering is only temporary when you consider an eternity of peace with Him.  You have an amazing hope to live for now and to look forward to.  Don’t let Satan or anyone else steal God’s promises from your heart.

And if you’re reading this and you’re not one who is suffering below the surface, please take a moment to pray for eyes that see and ears that hear that you may be aware of those around you who are suffering.  Maybe God will use you to wrap your arms around them and whisper, “God’s got you my friend.”

Yes.  God’s got you my friend.  Wherever you are in this great big world, I’m praying for you right now.  You are not alone.

“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God.”  (2 Corinthians 1:3-4 NIV.)

I Won’t Pretend


I won’t pretend that I know how you’re feeling today. I won’t pretend that I understand what keeps you awake at night or what pulls you from your sleep in the morning.

I won’t assume that I understand your pain. I don’t know what breaks your heart or drops you to your knees in desperation.  I don’t understand what your days look like or even what you’re facing right now, what giant is looming over you while you stand in its shadow.

Are you trying to break free? Does someone or something have a tight grip on you?  Are you lonely, feeling as if no one understands you or what you go through in a single day?

Maybe I don’t know you. Maybe I don’t understand the terror, discouragement, or exhaustion you face, but God does.  He is with you.  And in a small way, I am with you too.  You see, I am your neighbor.  We share the same planet.  And I care about you.

I may not live within driving distance from where you are. Perhaps it would take more than one airplane to bring me to your door to give you a hug, but I can close my eyes and ask God to help you right now.  I can pray and ask Him to bless you right where you are, to help you with what you are going through, and to give you strength and peace during your day.

I won’t pretend to pray for you either. I really will pray.  And I’ll ask God to give you that hug for me.  Right now…

“’Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?’ Jesus replied: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment.  And the second is like it:  ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’” (Matthew 22:36-39 NIV.)

Below the Surface

below the surface

There’s a great big world out there with a lot of people quietly suffering. On the surface we see the happy smiles and we hear the “I’m fine,” response when we ask how they’re doing.  But below the surface there is great pain.

Maybe this is you.  Maybe you get up in the morning and go about your day, while beyond those shallow areas of your life, those areas you let others get a glimpse of, you’re agonizing.  Maybe you feel like you’re drowning and no one cares.  Maybe you’re overwhelmed with illness or debt or violence or drugs.  Maybe you feel trapped in a relationship that brings you pain or maybe you feel locked into a situation you can’t break free from.

Let me tell you my friend, God sees you.  He not only sees the surface stuff you show the world, but He sees your heart.  He knows what’s keeping you up at night.  He knows what makes you cry when you’re in the shower.  He knows what steals your breath and your joy and what’s suffocating you right there in the middle of your life.  And He cares about you so deeply, reaching far below the surface.

God is the One who never leaves you or forgets about you.  He promises.  And He never lies and He never breaks a promise. Thank you, Lord.

You may hear all sorts of things as you go throughout your day.  You may hear that you’re a failure and you’ll never amount to much; this may be all in your own thoughts or literally from others.  Perhaps you’ll hear that it’s too late for you; you had your chance and you blew it and you’re beyond hope.  You may hear you’re all alone and you’re going to stay that way because you’re pathetic and really unlovable.  Or maybe you’ll hear that people in your life would be better off if you weren’t around.

Those are lies.  Every one of them.  Don’t try to make them “half” truths either.  Like, “Well I have failed so many times so maybe I won’t amount to much.”  Did you ever think that those “failures” are part of a greater design for you becoming YOU.  If you hadn’t “failed,” you’d keep going in that direction and perhaps that is not what God wants for you.  So He allows you to stumble a bit so when you regain your footing, you have time to see another path, another door opening that you never would have seen if you ran off in the wrong direction.  Is that failure?  Not hardly.

I don’t know exactly why God led me to write this or who this is for.  But God knows.  And He knows you my friend.  Trust that He sees your suffering all the way down to the very core.  With God in your life, you never suffer alone and suffering is only temporary when you consider an eternity of peace with Him.  You have an amazing hope to live for now and to look forward to.  Don’t let Satan or anyone else steal God’s promises from your heart.

And if you’re reading this and you’re not one who is suffering below the surface, please take a moment to pray for eyes that see and ears that hear that you may be aware of those around you who are suffering.  Maybe God will use you to wrap your arms around them and whisper, “God’s got you my friend.”

Yes.  God’s got you my friend.  Wherever you are in this great big world, I’m praying for you right now.  You are not alone.

“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God.”  (2 Corinthians 1:3-4 NIV.)

A Fuzzy Hug from God


Our daughter was sick for a week battling a nasty winter bug. She coughed day and night, literally, and fought off fevers with medications, cool baths, and time.  But one particular medication worked better than all the others:  Encouragement.

You know. A card comes in the mail (thank you, Candie!) and you get phone calls or texts from family and friends who care and miss you, and someone even stops by with a little chocolate they deliver at arm’s length to lift your spirits.  Suddenly the cloudy, germ-infested bubble you’ve been in for days lets in a little light.  Your smile ignores the fever.  The cough comes again, but this time it’s not alone; laughter shows up, telling that illness, “Your days are numbered so enjoy them while you can, buddy boy.”  Laughter is pretty tough like that.

Of course God uses us to encourage one another, to bring out smiles and revive the laughter. But what about when God Himself shows up to encourage you, to offer you a hug when you need it most.  Let me explain:

My daughter and I were at the drugstore, waiting on her prescription and passing time by admiring all of the discounted Valentine’s Day chocolates and stuffed animals. I do love a good sale on chocolate!  There was a sea of adorable stuffed animals:  frogs, bears, dogs, and one enormous bear about the size of my daughter.  She of course fell in love with every one of them as I remained strong.   Yeah, right.  We circled around the store and found another aisle of stuffed animals on sale.  I rolled my eyes and said, “Sure we can look,” as I followed her.  That’s when we saw the most adorable stuffed bear.  She picked him up, handed him to me, and I was in trouble.  Those cute little eyes and the softness of his fuzzy curls, and I was in BIG trouble.

But her prescription was ready, so I put the little guy back, saddened as I noticed he was the only one just like him, and we went back to the pharmacy. I felt a tug, this dragging-my-feet sensation as we got in line.  Silly, right?  My daughter looked at me, not realizing how much I liked that bear, and said, “He sure was cute.”  I stared back at her, took a deep breath, and agreed with her on the way back to get him.

We had so much fun with our new family member, Winston, on the way home. We admired him in all his adorableness, talked for him, told stories about his waiting for a family in the store, how others picked on him, and how he felt when we put him down and walked away. (Did I mention we both have rather large imaginations?)

But only God knew days later it would be my turn to get sick and with everyone out of the house, I was going to feel cooped up in that bubble and a little lonely. Thankfully, God nudged me days before to go back and get Winston, so I was able to stand in our living room and be encouraged and comforted by God through a wonderful, fuzzy hug.  Of course, the smile came right after.

If you’re in need of some encouragement today, my friend, God is with you and I’m praying for you.  And Winston is sending you a hug.

“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God.”  (2 Corinthians 1:3-4 NIV.)




Comfort. That’s the word God keeps whispering to me.  There must be someone who needs to be comforted right now.  I’m praying you “hear” Him through this.

The holidays are not always easy and God knows that. Maybe you feel alone, abandoned.

Maybe you’ve recently lost a loved one and you’re not sure how to get through this holiday.

Or maybe this is a painful time because you have vivid, cherished memories of those you lost long ago, those you miss so deeply and the holidays only remind you of their empty chairs at the table.

God sees you.

He wants to comfort you today, tomorrow, and anytime you need Him. Look for His gentle touch.  It’s all around you.

“As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you.”  (Isaiah 66:13a NIV.)