God Uses You While You’re Waiting


How many times have you waited in line, annoyed and in a hurry? You know what I’m talking about. Your mind is spinning with all the things you need to do and you get to the only checkout line that is open and there is a lot (a LOT) of stuff on the conveyor belt and the cashier is really in no hurry. No hurry whatsoever.

You get irritated, right? Maybe a little annoyed? I mean, you’ve got things to do. You don’t have all day to stand there waiting.

I’ve definitely been there, unfortunately, and I’m not proud of the times I probably huffed and acted like a spoiled brat. (Forgive me, Lord.)

But this past Saturday was different.

I went to a little store not far from home to buy a card. Yep. That’s it. I went to the only checkout line that was open and saw exactly what I described earlier. The couple in front of me had the conveyor belt loaded with a tower of stuff wobbling when the belt moved forward. But the sun was shining into the store, and I shooed away my to-do list that was buzzing around my mind like an irritating little pest. (Boy did that feel good!)

I was in line for a really long time, but I had such peace. Strange, huh?

Finally I paid for my cards (did I mention I found two?) and stepped out the door, the sunlight warming my skin. I drove home with the windows cracked for a little fresh air while listening to some music that soothed my soul. Everything was just fine.

As I approached my turn, a big ol’ pickup truck coming from the opposite direction made the turn ahead of me. I wondered why the driver took the turn so wide, but when I saw him I knew why: he had his face buried in his phone.

I turned and followed him onto this winding country road, dandelions swaying as we drove by. When he started driving in the middle of the road, I tightened my grip on the steering wheel and began praying, “Lord, please don’t let him hurt anyone.” And when he started to drive uphill on a blind curve, still in the middle of the road, I found myself pleading, “Please, Lord. Please.”

I realized in the very next moment who I was praying for when a man on a motorcycle came down the hill.

The truck swerved, barely missing him, and barreled up the hill. From where I sat, it was as if God slowed the motorcycle down with one hand and scooted the truck over with the other; as if both were chess pieces in His hands.

Two lives would have instantly changed in that moment had God not intervened.

But God did step in. He used a stay-at-home momma in a ball cap, delayed her at the store and gave her peace while waiting and for the drive home so she wouldn’t hurry, and nudged her to pray. And then, He answered that prayer and allowed her to see it with her own eyes. Thank you, Lord.

I realize now the moments we sometimes see as annoying or slow-going can be the very situations God wants to use us in.

I’m sure you’ve been there. You’ve talked to a woman in a checkout line because there was a really, really long line. Perhaps she was lonely and God used you to encourage her. Or maybe you had an extra-long wait in the doctor’s office and talked to a man who was terrified of getting back the results from a test. But God used you to comfort the man, to help him in his waiting.

You may not always see how God is using you. It might not always be so clear or fast as His mighty hand reaching down to stop an accident in front of you. But you can be sure that He will use you if you ask Him, if you surrender your times of waiting to Him.

Who knows? You may even get to see Him perform a miracle before your very eyes.

“Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion.” (Ephesians 6:18a NLT.)

“I am the Lord, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me?” (Jeremiah 32:27 NIV.)

28 thoughts on “God Uses You While You’re Waiting

  1. Thank you my dear crazy colourful sock/t-shirt wearing sister in Christ for this wonderful post – Phillipines 2:3 reminds us “For God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill His good purpose” – I love how He places us in just the right place to do good – I’ve been a first responder at many MVAs (put my nursing skills to good use) as well as the next in line person behind someone unable to pay for their groceries (adding their grocery bill to mine) – how great is our God!!!! Blessings from my heart to yours xo

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Don’t you just love technology?? No!! Haha. We had so many problems with our internet last night it was just crazy. But it seems okay today…so far!


    1. What an awesome testimony you have, Debra! God bless you for how you obey what He’s called (and is calling) you to do! Wow!! I’m sure you have many stories of God placing you in the right place at the right time…hmmm…ever think of sharing them? Or writing them down? Just an idea! 😉 You are so dear to me…blessings to you as well, my fellow crazy sock wearing Sister!!


      1. Good morning Joey! I do have so so many professional and personal stories that speak to the incredible timing of God – have never thought about writing or sharing these heartfelt and intimate moments – food for thought! I still marvel at how the Holy Spirit led me to the (In)courage site – a site with so many amazing writers/authors – you included!!! I so look forward to receiving your message in my ‘in box’ – reading your words, His word(s)!!! I have been writing about a recent dark and broken season – tap tap tapping my words, His word(s), on my keyboard – moving to a place of healing through His crimson flow – a light dose, a dose of His light, His love! I am part of a women’s Life Group with my church and we are reading the book, “Fearless – Free in Christ in an Age of Anxiety” – our leader has asked that we all choose to do something that we are fearful of and then provide a testimony to our group – I had thought about sharing some of my writing along with 2 pictures that I recently painted (I am not particularly artistic but the Holy Spirit took my hand in His and voila 2 paintings came to light – one I titled, “The Sea of Overwhelm” the other I titled, “His Love” – Also, interestingly enough, my word of the year is BRAVE – so much to ponder! I am so grateful for your presence in my life – blessings to you my dear crazy colourful sock/t-shirt wearing sister in Christ!!!!! xo

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Debra…Where do I even begin?! I must “say” I’m so thankful God brought us together through (in)courage, too! (You’re right…there are some amazing, Holy Spirit inspired writers there.) I’m excited to hear that YOU are writing! That’s WONDERFUL! God can really speak through us for others and even to us when we write. I am in awe of Him every day. And your paintings sound amazing!! I especially LOVE the title “The Sea of Overwhelm.” Oh I do hope I’ll be able to see those someday if you feel led to share them, and/or your writings. My goodness, look at what God is creating through you!! Isn’t it exciting?! I’m excited for you! The book you mentioned sounds like something I’d like to read…I’ll have to look for it. I struggle with fear/anxiety sometimes and I keep turning it over to God. And wow…your word for the year is BRAVE and the word God gave me for the year is BOLD. Perhaps He’s trying to tell us something? 🙂 My goodness, you truly bless me with your WORDS! (See, you’re doing it already.) Please keep me posted on your writing and paintings if you feel like sharing. I’d love to read some of your work and see those beautiful paintings. May God bless you abundantly, my dear Sister and fellow crazy sock wearing friend. 🙂


          1. Awww – thank you for your kind words and encouragement – that book can be downloaded free from Kindle on Amazon to any device – I loved the book – it was most helpful – not sure how to post a pic on your blog – I’d be happy to start with sharing a painting if I could figure it out – I am a little techno-challenged – blessings dear Joey xo

            Liked by 1 person

            1. Well I’m right there with you (techno-challenged) so don’t feel bad. Would you feel comfortable having it on my blog??! I was just thinking I’d like to see it…if you have a website etc. Hmmm. Just another idea…have YOU ever considered having a blog? You could post your writing and paintings IF that’s something you’re wanting to try. Please don’t feel like I’m pushing you to do such a thing…it was just an idea. 😉 And thanks for the info. on the book…I’ll check it out! Blessings to you, dear Sister!!


              1. Hmmm – food for thought – a blog – guess I’ll need a title – something to ponder over the next few days – thank for being BOLD – I hope I can be BRAVE enough to create a personal blog – many blessings from my heart to yours xo

                Liked by 1 person

                1. Yes, definitely something to think about. 😉 I know you can be BRAVE enough to create a blog if that’s what you’re feeling led to do! Just know I’m here cheering for you (and I’d be sure to follow you, too). Blessings to you as well, my dear Sister.


    1. Isn’t He amazing?! I agree…I love when we get to SEE Him working. (I know He’s always working and we’re to live by faith not by sight…but it’s just incredible to watch Him move!!) Blessings to you, dear Sister!


  2. I have been in those situations I will definitely look at them differently now. Thank you for allowing the Lord to use you to help those of us who are not talented enough to write. Live ya sister in Christ.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Ahh, Phyllis…we all have our own God-given talents (hmmm…a blog post in the making? 😉 ). I praise Him for YOU and how you ALWAYS encourage me. Can’t wait to see you this summer!! Love you, my dear Sister.


    1. Well thank YOU so much for your kind words and for reading!! (I know God has opened my eyes…I’m being watchful for those waiting times as I go about my day, too. 😉 ) Blessings to you!!

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