Stop Beating Yourself Up


Stop beating yourself up.

That’s right.  Stop being so hard on yourself for that mistake you made in the past; the one you can’t go back and change and really, do you even want to?  That mistake has made you stronger, better, and maybe it’s even shaken you awake to how much God loves you.  Maybe that was the lesson you needed so you’d realize, “I just really goofed and God is still hanging around.  Wow.  He must really love me.”

Yes He does.  He loves you in all your “imperfections.”  He loves the color of your hair as it begins to gray and has each one numbered.  He smiles when you snore in your sleep, even keeping the dog awake.  He loves how your eyes get that look somewhere between shock and sparkle when He answers your prayer and you “get it” that it’s Him. You’re welcome, He whispers.  And He loves to hear you laugh when you’re running in the rain or playing in the snow.  Yes, He loves every bit of you.

But when you hurt over your mistakes, really taking them in and holding onto them like you can never let go or never be forgiven, it’s like you’re telling God He’s not compassionate enough to understand, not loving enough to forgive, and not wise enough to help you through it.

You and I need to stop doing this.

Mistakes are just that. Mistakes. And trying to avoid all mistakes by tiptoeing through life, trying to be perfect, will only set you up for another round of disappointment on your way to crazy town while your family and friends ride in the back.

The only way to live at peace with your mistakes is to take them to God.  Seriously.  Oh sure, you can try to trick your mind into forgetting by venturing off into a bottle for some mind-altering escape, but eventually you’ll come back.  Or you can run away, treat the mistake like a grizzly bear following you in the woods.  But eventually you’ll get tired of running and that bear will catch up after he’s hibernated.  And you’ve probably heard how hungry a bear is after a long nap.

So grab onto that mistake with both hands, stare it down and admit what it is, what you’ve done, and lift it up to God.  Tell Him you’re sorry, confess what you’ve done and ask Him to forgive you, ask others to forgive you if you’ve hurt them, and then MOVE ON.

You see, God wants your mistakes.  He wants to take them off your hands because He has more important things for you, better things for you to do than wallow in your guilt like a pig in slop.  Of course this is where the enemy wants you to stay, and he will lie and tell you that’s where you belong.  But your Heavenly Father is the One who loves you, who wants to clean you up, and He is the One you need to listen to.  And He has so much more for you than a filthy pigpen full of lies.

Stop listening to the lies.  Right now.

And start believing in the truth:  You ARE worthy of the blessings God has for you.

Not because you are perfect, without mistakes, but because Jesus Christ is perfection and He loves you perfectly.  He’s got you covered.

So get out of His way, already.  Let Him bless you.  Stop trying to sabotage it all because you’re afraid; afraid you’ll somehow mess it all up.  God will be there in the midst of the blessing to help you.  He’s promised He will never leave you, right?

Then trust Him.

“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9 NIV.)


12 thoughts on “Stop Beating Yourself Up

  1. Wow so many times I held on to my mistakes upset and anry I didn’t do something perfect. Today I think how sad, cause if God forgives us, and He does who r we to fuss over them. He forgives and wants us to move along. He doesn’t remember them. Let Go. I learned the hard way, beating myself up. But then God….. And Suddenly….He set me free.
    We all make mistakes we can strive to be.more like Jesus The only perfect one but we will never reach that til God calls us home. Amen. So I have learned, in my heart I desire to be Holy, I desire to do my best , sometimes my best isn’t perfect. But my heart’s desire is…. And guess what He knows it. He knows our heart and motives and desires. So it’s ok. So ask God to help u do your best. Learn to love yourself, not in a hotty way but u must Love God, with all that is within u and Love yourself as you live your nieghbor. We have to love ourselfs so we have love to share and give away. The Love of God The Father is Amazing Love enstilled in our hearts to serve others like Jesus served. Amen. Thank u Joey, I love reading your stories. I miss u girlfriend. Love u. U r blessed with a wonderful tallent from God. Not just writing either!!
    Thank you,😇💞

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    1. Amen! Oh Mary, you’re so right. We have to love ourselves so we can share God’s love with others. And He knows our hearts…that’s what I keep telling myself when I try and fall short. He knows my heart, and He knows I’m wanting to please Him. So many times when that happens I pray and ask Him to fix my mistakes…and He does! I praise Him for how He works! And I miss and love you too, Mary! Your kind words touch my heart. To God be all the glory! (I know I can’t do a thing without Him!) Thank YOU for reading and encouraging me!! Have a blessed day my friend. 🙂


  2. Blessings to you my sis! I have been guilty of this in the past and I can remember how much the devil capitalised on that to control me. I was engulfed with fear even to the point where I thought God was going to kill me as this was the only good enough punishment for my sin. We try to work out a punishment in our head that is weighty enough to cover our sin. I wish we could see the grin on devil’s face whenever we do it because this is what he wants. Thank God for Jesus who sets us free indeed. I often say the task isn’t about God forgiving us. It’s about us forgiving ourselves.

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    1. Bless your heart, Efua. I completely understand. I kept going to God with the same mistake, asking again and again for Him to forgive me. Finally I realized, He did…I was the one who was still holding on to it! Yes, I believe the devil is grinning when we do this. It’s like we’re trapped in a prison cell of fear. So we stay put and don’t do the tasks God is giving us to do. BUT…God is able to reach us in that prison and show us the way out (His truth). Praise God He spoke to you and me both and freed us from the enemy’s lies! And yes, praise God for His Son Jesus who sets us eternally free! God bless you my dear Sister in Christ and keep on standing strong in the Lord! (I’m standing with you and praying for you by the way 😉 )

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